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Key Projects

A new Era begins, Conversations that truly matter...

The Type 1 Think Tank Network Conversation Guide has been collaboratively developed to support conversations that truly matter between patients and healthcare providers. 

The Conversation guide visual...

Bringing together patient and healthcare opinion leaders - experts in their knowledge of Type 1 Diabetes - the Type 1 Diabetes Think Tank Network provides the expertise, guidance and integration to improve the quality of life and health outcomes for people with T1D through collaboration.

T1D Think Tank Network Founder and endocrinologist Dr. Bruce Perkins and actor and T1D patient Deanna Palozzo review a number of humorous and frustrating realities faced by both healthcare providers and patients during an office visit. The presentation demonstrates the power of effective communications strategies and how communications is the key to a collaborative approach that can lead to better health outcomes.

An impactful review of the the May 12 Design Lab, a new format for bringing arts to healthcare that builds on the successful T1D TTN Insight session concept. Key issues explored include pregnancy and T1D and the travails of air travel.

As a person living with Type 2 Diabetes, you can make a meaningful difference in this conversation; Through the collaborative voice of  T2DXX, Sandpile  will deliver the significance of this consolidated Patient narrative to health care providers, educators and Health Policy Makers in order to generate greater awareness and appreciation for the diabetes lived experience.

Our Experience Exchanges are known to kick start new conversations in how we define, understand, and most importantly improve the outcomes and Quality of Life of the type 2 patient journey.


Working under the principle that a story tells more than a survey, the Experience Exchange creates an open, safe, and non-judgmental space to share your personal experience


Women's Health

Birth of a new Patient Movement

      How do patient advocacy groups get started? What motivates people to get engaged and involved? How do they become enabled and empowered?


      A milestone event was held on July 20th, 2013 in Toronto to highlight the plight of women suffering from uterine fibroids and the associated heavy menstrual bleeding.


      Women from across Canada who suffer from uterine fibroids came together to meet, share and brainstorm to create the first authentic patient voice in Canada regarding this important area of women’s health.


     The significance of this event lies in the impact of this condition on the whole patient experience from living with the disease, diagnosis, treatment to follow up. Uterine fibroids account for more hysterectomies in Canada than any other condition. According to the National Uterine Fibroids Foundation (NUFF) in the U.S., up to 80 percent of all women have uterine fibroids. While the majority never have symptoms, one in four ends up with symptoms severe enough to require treatment and the experience can be horrifying.


Watch videos from the first UF Collaborative Forum

My Uterus gets no Respect: The UF Movement Gathers Steam  (Part 2)

In the second gathering of Canadian women who suffer from uterine fibroid tumours, patients and physicians alike rolled up their sleeves to share and learn how this group is beginning to influence better health outcomes and improved quality of life for the one in four Canadian women suffering from this condition.


Watch the rest of the Fibroid Movement videos.

Women With Fibroids Movement-Finding a Voice (Part 1)

These women are living with, and suffering from, uterine fibroids (UF) and similar debilitating conditions—and not being heard. In a safe, non-judgmental environment, these women felt free to share stories that needed to be told—stories of years of severe pain, embarrassment, and humiliation. Often, these stories had never been told before.

The Uterine Fibroids Collaborative Forum

The UF Collaborative Forum in Toronto was the first time that women and gynecologists came together to share their different perspectives on the gaps in health care that often leave women to bleed with limited choices of treatment.


Additional Projects

Additional Women's Health Projects

Additional Women's Health Projects
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Endometriosis Experience Exchange

Endometriosis Experience Exchange

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Sunnybrook Hospital and The Type 1 Diabetes Think Tank HiFi Research Project

Sunnybrook Hospital and The Type 1 Diabetes Think Tank HiFi Research Project

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Everything You Need To Know About Pap Smears

Everything You Need To Know About Pap Smears

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Some of our Strategic Partners


CANFib was founded in 2012 to provide a platform for women in Canada that suffer from the condition to convey their needs in a way that provides relevant data to Pharmaceutical Firms, Insurers, Government and other Research Bodies. Women join CANFib to learn more about and participate in the advancement approved treatments, coverage and information. 



The Women’s Health Coalition will take a leading role in engaging women, informing community and advising government to improve support, services, and choice for women faced with menstrual, reproductive, and sexual health challenges.

The Women’s Health Coalition is a network of women who have faced health challenges. People who care about women and people who care for women.



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